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II International Symposium «Education for Sustainable Development for All Generations as a Social Agreement» was held at the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, Minsk, Belarus, in December, 6-7, 2018.

The Overall Aim of Symposium: summarizing and expertise of the best practices and mechanisms of the continuous education which have impact on ensuring ecological integrity, economical sustainability, social welfare and development of the human resources in the regions.

II International Symposium «Education for Sustainable Development for All Generations as a Social Agreement» in the Republic of Belarus was held under the patronage of the National Coordinator for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals with assistance from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and support from the UNDP project “Support to the National Coordinator on Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals and Strengthening the Role of the Parliament in the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals”.

The Symposium participants:

— providers of the education and sustainability practices on the local, regional and national levels,

— representatives of the legislative and executive branches,

— ministries and public authorities,

— initiatives for regional sustainable development,

— non-governmental organizations, business,

— international organizations,

— scientific and expert communities from different countries.


  1. Continuous education as a key factor for sustainable development of country, growth of the human potential and achievement of the social cohesion for the benefit of implementation of the National Strategy for Sustainable  Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus, summary of the UN-Summit “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, strategic tasks of The Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD, UNECE Strategy for ESD.

  2. Continuous teacher education as an enabler for achieving Sustainable Development Goals through empowering different generations to adapt new values and transform the way of life  based on the knowledge transfer.

  3. State and civil society partnership in education for sustainable development (ESD) management on national, regional and local levels.

  4. Targeted scientific and educational support to ensure ecological integrity, economical sustainability, social welfare and development of the human potential in the local communities and regions.

  5. Scientific and didactic facilitation of the ESD practices for all generations.

  6. Organization of the Science Shop activities as a tool for network interaction between science, education and local communities in the sustainable development of the regions.

Format of work: plenary session, panel discussion, thematic problem groups, workshops, exhibition and expertise of the best practices associated with integrating of the education practices and sustainable development, individual and group consultations, final round table, publication of symposium contributions.

The II International Symposium is organized in the framework of the Belarusian-German project "Science Shop as an Instrument for the Integration of Educational and Sustainable Development Practices", 2016-2018,  Republic of Belarus. The project is implemented by the Education for Sustainable Development Association, the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank (Belarus), the Wissenschaftsladen Bonn e.V. (Germany) with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and the Support Programme of Belarus of the Federal Government of Germany.

The International Symposium «Education for Sustainable Development for All Generations as a Social Agreement» is a platform, where facilitators of the life-long learning practices and ESD experts, university teachers and representatives of CSOs, business, local authorities can present their best practices focused on ecological integrity, economical sustainability, social welfare and regional human resources development.

II International Symposium «Education for Sustainable Development for All Generations as a Social Agreement»

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